Saturday, January 15, 2011

Off to Chicago, for the Night!

After a busy week working, we were happy to see Saturday roll around. We had tickets to see a West End play, 39 Steps. Unlike most of the shows we have been to, this one was not a musical. It was a comedy with a small cast, only 4 actors, but very clever as there were many characters.
The story follows the main character who meets a lady at the theater, who turns out to be a spy. She warns him about the 39 Steps which is a weapon for world domination. The next morning she is found dead in his apartment. He flees from London to Scotland, running from the police, whilst looking for a doctor that the spy had been going to see to pass on her message. The doctor turned out to be helping the people who wanted to use this weapon, so he then had to escape from this doctor. It was very clever and quite funny, in a slapstick sort of way. After the show we headed to a pub for a few pints and then dinner in Soho which was nice.
The following week after a few days back at work we were off to another show. This time it was Chicago, which I had been looking forward to seeing for a while, as we have heard a lot of people enjoyed it. All of the tickets we bought were cheap, £25 for second row seats at Chicago and £15 for the other shows.
Unlike 39 Steps, Chicago is a musical and a big production, 20 odd people in the orchestra and probably 20 odd in the show. It was amazing and had a bit of everything, singing, acrobatics, dancing, comedy. It’s a true story about the 1920’s, in Chicago obviously. Show girls that end up in prison. They get a good lawyer and escape with lenient punishments. But it really is the amazing singing and dancing that makes it so good.
With their yearend still not complete, Damien had to work another weekend. We did manage to get to Jade’s 30th birthday at her place in Angel. Damien worked with Jade in his first contract role, and we see her every now and then. She is really sweet, originally from Mornington way she says (really Frankston). She has been in the UK for over 5 years and is quite settled here. We had a really good night, and met a few new people which was nice.

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