It was yet another early morning, car packed and we were on our way to Spain. We had a stop in Serpa, a small walled city (photo 1). We had coffee and cake then climbed the castle in the middle of town (2). We headed off again and arrived in Alijar which the Lonely planet recommends for hiking. Our accommodation was a converted stable but the best part was it had a swimming pool. We had lunch then headed out on our walk. It all began well, the instructions were very

clear, but that all soon changed. Instead of being a charming walk through the hills, listening to free roaming pigs searching for chestnuts it was a bit of a nightmare with swarms of flies and fruitless searches for non-existent markers. We finally arrived at the first town and discovered that everything was closed! No coffee, no coke, no caffeine of any form was available. Everyone was a bit over the whole experience at this stage so we began the trek back to Alijar. We stopped a couple of times to admire the view of the mountains and look at all the pig tracks on the sometimes hard to find path. It was 9pm and dark by the time we arrived back in town. Everyone was tired, dirty, hungry and tired. We had dinner in the pub then headed back to the stables. Kevin, Damien and I soaked our feet in the pool outside and listened to the church bells chiming. This is when we realised that it was actually 1am not 12am as we had crossed a time zone.
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