The only reason we had to go to Paris was to catch a flight to China, as our round the world ticket didn’t allow us to fly from Spain. We will probably be back early next year when Browyn and Kevin (Christines aunt and uncle) are in Paris.
Our first impressions of Paris and France were mixed. Parts of the city are very nice – Nottre Dam, Sacre Cour and the Eiffel Tour.
Our first impressions of Paris and France were mixed. Parts of the city are very nice – Nottre Dam, Sacre Cour and the Eiffel Tour.
Our overall experience wasn’t a good one though, which is disappointing as we have met a few really nice people from France on our journey so far. The moment we entered France things became difficult. Arriving in a small town just over the Spanish border, we needed to change trains. When we got to the station though we were told that the train was ‘full’, although for another 220 euro, we would be able to go on the same train, the word ‘scam’ springs to mind. This was the train we tried to reserve seats for days ago, but reservations could only be made once in France! 5 hours later in a dingy train station we were able to get on the next train. This meant that after leaving Barcelona at 9am, instead of arriving at 6pm it was actually a bit after 11pm. We then rushed through the metro system (including both of us getting jammed in the doors, side by side, at one station. We were on the train but our backpacks were on the outside, very funny!), to get to our hostel before the last trains at about midnight.
Our hostel was expensive and apparently one of the better ones in the city. We weren't impressed, Christine especially, their ‘fully equipped’ kitchen didn’t even have a knife, the whole place was a bit old and dirty as the cleaners did but of a half arsed job.
The French people were generally rude and unhelpful compared to the other countries we have visited. This was disappointing as we have met some nice people from France, although they were not from Paris. From the staff at the train stations, the guy in line who bumped Christine and then had a French Sook, the bratty kids and parents on the train and the big french woman with really bad odour issues Damien had to sit near!

Our hostel was expensive and apparently one of the better ones in the city. We weren't impressed, Christine especially, their ‘fully equipped’ kitchen didn’t even have a knife, the whole place was a bit old and dirty as the cleaners did but of a half arsed job.
The French people were generally rude and unhelpful compared to the other countries we have visited. This was disappointing as we have met some nice people from France, although they were not from Paris. From the staff at the train stations, the guy in line who bumped Christine and then had a French Sook, the bratty kids and parents on the train and the big french woman with really bad odour issues Damien had to sit near!
Our hostel was a short walk from Sacre Cour which is a nice old church on a hill with great city views. The church had a lot of stain glass windows, but less paintings and sculptures than the churches in Italy. We also did the touristy photos at the Eiffel tour and Arc de Triomf. The church at Nottre Dam was also very impressive with its many altars and stain glass windows. We also sat in Jardin de Luxembourg, a park for an afternoon and had some drinks, was very nice, and we saw a little girl pee in the potty, before dad emptied the potty into the fountain in the middle of the park, nice!
After 2 days we were both ready to leave. Partially due to how difficult and expensive Paris has been and partially because we are looking forward to getting to China and seeing our friends from Melbourne Maree, Amy and Alan.
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